How To Create an Order Total Module

Order total modules can produce lines that are displayed in the order total summary for an order. It can both specify amounts or add/subtract amounts indicated by the parameter "calculate".



  class ot_summary_line {
    public $id = __CLASS__;
    public $name = 'Summary Line';
    public $description = '';
    public $author = 'LiteCart Dev Team';
    public $version = '1.0';
    public $website = '';
    public $priority = 0;

    public function process($order) {

      if (empty($this->settings['status'])) return;

      $output = [];

      $output[] = [
        'title' => 'My Summary Line',
        'value' => 0.00,
        'tax' => 0.00,
        'calculate' => false, // Set to true will append the value and tax to the payment due

      return $output;

    function settings() {
      return [
          'key' => 'status',
          'default_value' => '1',
          'title' => 'Status',
          'description' => 'Enables or disables the module.',
          'function' => 'toggle("e/d")',
          'key' => 'priority',
          'default_value' => '30',
          'title' => 'Priority',
          'description' => 'Process this module by the given priority value.',
          'function' => 'number()',

    // Run some code when the module is installed
    public function install() {}

    // Run some code when the module is uninstalled
    public function uninstall() {}


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