How To Automate The Installation Process

The installation script can be automated by passing some parameters to /install/install.php. Both HTTP GET and HTTP POST parameters are recognized. If both types are present then HTTP POST is the override.

Option Parameters For install.php

In the application root. Type the Terminal command php install/install.php --help to see a list of options:

LiteCart® 2.5.5
Copyright (c) 2024 LiteCart AB
Usage: php install.php [options]

  --db_server          Set database hostname (Default:
  --db_username        Set database username
  --db_password        Set database user password

  --db_database        Set database name
  --db_table_prefix    Set database table prefix (Default: lc_).
  --db_collation       Set database collation (Default: utf8_swedish_ci)
  --document_root      Set document root

  --timezone           Set timezone e.g. Europe/London

  --admin_folder       Set admin folder name (Default admin)
  --username           Set admin username
  --password           Set admin user password

  --development_type   Set development type 'standard' or 'advanced' (Default: standard)
  --cleanup            Delete the install/ directory after finising the installation.

How To Automate The Upgrade Process

Once a new package of LiteCart have been uploaded (overwriting the existing files) the upgrade process can begin. An automated upgrade process can be achieved by passing HTTP GET or POST parameters to the upgrade script.

Parameters For upgrade.php

In the application root. Type the Terminal command php install/upgrade.php --help to see a list of options:

LiteCart® 2.5.5
Copyright (c) 2024 LiteCart AB
Usage: php upgrade.php [options]

  --from_version       Manually set version migrating from. Omit for auto detection
  --development_type   Set development type 'standard' or 'advanced' (Default: standard)
  --cleanup            Delete the install/ directory after finising the upgrade.


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